My artistic practice investigates our relationships to place. I take photographs of deserted buildings such as abandoned country estates, former industrial premises, isolated wooden barns. The specific building is less important than the emotional response the images provoke.  

To connect with these buildings I make interventions: from subtle and quiet action like scratching the surface of a barn to restaging an old photo with a group of friends in a former sawmill. These interventions are integral to the work.  

I am interested in a range of possibilities of working with photographic images – from artists’ books to public art projects. In addition to my individual practice I enjoy making collaborative work with other artists as well as musicians and designers.  

Photography allows me to capture a fraction of a second, to extend this, I add other elements, these could be sound, objects or writing. The combination of these often becomes an installation.  

I invite the audience to reflect on their own and collective histories. I think of my work as a playful attempt to travel in time.


Born in Moscow, 1980, lives in Kvissle, Sweden

Solo exhibitions
2022   Building as Amplifier, Glitter Ball showroom and projects, Enköping, Sweden
2019   The First Water / La Primera Aigua, Fundación Mutua Levante, Alcoy, Spain*
2017   Interpretation of an Ordinary Landscape, Exhibition Hall, Tierp, Sweden
2016   49 Barns around Tierp, Exhibition Hall, Tierp, Sweden
2014   With Everyone’s Imagination Atrophied, No One Will Ever Be a Threat to the World #4, Studio 17, Stavanger, Norway
2013   With Everyone’s Imagination Atrophied, No One Will Ever Be a Threat to the World #3, Cigarrvägen 13, Stockholm, Sweden

*exhibition catalogue available

Selected duo/group exhibitions
2021   Adelante, Centre for Sport and Culture, Knivsta, Sweden
2019   RISK(U) #3: Player Piano weekend, Nordisk Gästatelje, Malongen, Stockholm, Sweden
2018   Konsten att delta, Exhibition Hall, Enköping, Sweden
2017   With Everyone’s Imagination Atrophied, No One Will Ever Be a Threat to the World #5, Designgalleriet, Stockholm, Sweden
2017   Dead Zones, La Sapienza Universitá di Roma, Facoltá di Lettere e Filosofia (Villa Mirafiori), Rome
2017   Kronstadt Stories-2. Archive, Poterna Exhibition Hall, Peter and Paul Fortress, Saint Petersburg, Russia*
2012   Hej Gävle, Gävle Art Centre, Gävle, Sweden*

*exhibition catalogue available

2017-2019 #möbleratierp, with Åsa Norling, temporary public art commission, Tierp, Sweden
2016   257 skolkamrater på Bergby skola, Bergby, Sweden

2014   #thefirstthingiseewheniwakeup, self-published

Artist Awards & Residencies
2024 Hedlandet residency, Torna Hällestad, Sweden
2020  Artist award from the Swedish Arts Grants Committee
2019   DAR (Druskininkai Artists’ Residence), Lithuania
2018   Project grant from the Swedish Arts Grants Committee
2018 Travel grant from Helge Ax:son Johnson’s Foundation
2017   AADK Spain in Centro Negra, Blanca, Spain
2016   NCAA Art Residence in Kronstadt, Russia
2016 Travel grant from the Swedish Arts Grants Committee
2016 Artist award from Tierp Municipality

Public Collections
Public Art Agency Sweden
Tierp Municipality Art Collection
Gävle Municipality Art Collection
Private collections, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, the UK, France, Russia and China.

2024 – to date Сo-host of “Немного не в фокусе” (Slightly Out of Focus), a podcast about photography and contemporary art
2020 ­– to date A series of contemporary photography talks with invited guests: Agustín Ortiz Herrera, Gentle Women, Xenia Nikolskaya. Interbok, Stockholm, Sweden
2015 ­ Ruins, Fragment, Crystal: On the Whole and Unified in the Modern Theory and Practice of Art, Saint Petersburg, Russia

2024-2025 Free standing course Writing and Publishing in Contemporary Art, HDK-Valand – Academy of Art and Design, Gothenburg, Sweden
2010-2012 MA Art in the Public Realm, Konstfack, Stockholm, Sweden
2006-2007    Editorial Photography, Brighton University, UK
1997-2002    HND Journalist in International Affairs, Moscow State University, Russia

Professional training
2021-2022    Artist’s mentoring programme (mentor Natasha Dahnberg), Region Uppsala, Sweden
2003    Professional studio technique, Academy of Photography, Moscow, Russia

Professional membership
2023, 2024 Centre for photography (Centrum för fotografi, CFF), Sweden

Additional professional experience
2019 Documenting work for artist Christian Andersson, Tierp, Sweden
2015-2016 Documenting exhibitions for Gävle Art Centre, Gävle, Sweden
2014 Portrait assignments for The Village, Stockholm, Sweden
2006   Assistant to photographer Joseph Ford, Brighton, UK