38 views of Blanca from Centro Negra
Inkjet pigment print, 24 x 37 cm, soundwalk, 01:00:09, wall projection, ambient sound recording, 10:45
In April 2017 I was one of the resident artists at Centro Negra in Blanca, Spain. Every day I would take a photo of Blanca from the same point and go for a walk through and around the town by following exactly the same route. During the walk I would record ambient sound as well as my thoughts and reflections by using binaural microphones worn in my ears. Back in the studio I would listen to the recording and try to incorporate some of the thoughts and reflections in the walk the day after. The resulting piece contains an image with 38 photos of Blanca superimposed in one as well as a soundwalk that is an outcome of a month’s walks.
Photo on the main page by Björn Sahlberg.